Empower p 48. Passives. Key Word Transformations

1. The thief ran away as soon as a policeman with a cloak and baton appeared.
The appearance ____________________________________ heels.
2. The teacher ordered us to throw the crushed pieces of paper in the bin.
The teacher ______________________________________ up pieces of paper in the bin.
3. The teacher was persuaded to delete irrelevant content from the class blog
The students got ___________________________________ from the class blog.
4. The baby's perambulator needs mending
I need ___________________________________.
5. He was arrested because he tried to use his brother's passport and he didn't look like the man in the picture.
He tried to use his brother's passport and got ________________________ the man in the picture.

1. The appearance of a policeman with a cloak and baton had the thief taking to his heels.

2. The teacher had us throw the crumpled up pieces of paper in the bin.

3. The students got the teacher to delete extraneous content from the class blog.

4. I need (to have) the baby's pram mended.

5. He tried to use his brother's passport and got himself arrested because he bore little resemblance to the man in the picture.

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