Empower p 37. Holidays and Travel. Key Word Transformations

1. Graham was going to meet me at the airport, but I got a taxi.
In ________________________________________________ up at the airport, I got a taxi.
2. That money was going to pay for our Grand Tour. However, you misspent it.
Had _______________________________________________ for our daughter's education.
3. As our grandmother got worse. We asked the resort doctor to come.
Our grandmother got worse, _____________________________ summoned.
4. They propped me up on a tree-stump stool because I was about to faint.
Since I was on _______________________________________ propped up on a tree-stump stool.
5. It was going to be my day off, but the restaurant was full of tourists and I had to go to work
Even __________________________________________________ with tourists

1. In spite of the fact that Graham was set to pick me up at the airport, I got a taxi

2. Had you not misspent that money, it would have paid for our Grand Tour.

3. Our grandmother got worse, that's the reason why the resort doctor was summoned.

4. Since I was on the brink of losing consciousness, I was propped up on a tree-stump stool.

5. Even though it was to have been my day off, I had to go to work because the restaurant was teeming with tourists

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