Empower p 41. Holidays and Travel. Key Word Transformations

1. If there hadn't been so many tourists in the city centre, I would have enjoyed it more.
Had __________________________________, I would have enjoyed it more.
2. Ethan is not willing to go to great lengths to help other fellow travellers on any account.
On_______________________________________for other fellow travellers.
3.  We only had great opportunities to take photos when we reached the top of the mountain.
Only __________________________________________ ops.
4. These restaurants are excellent, but they are really too expensive.  
These restaurants are top-notch, ________________________________ overpriced.
5. To put it in a nutshell, the airline became bankrupt.
To ________________________________________________ administration.

1.  Had the city centre not been overrun with/by tourists, I would have enjoyed it more.

2. On no account is Ethan willing to put himself out for other people.

3. Only when we reached the top of the mountain did we have great photo ops.

4. These restaurants are top-notch, for all that they're really overpriced.

5. To cut a long story short,  the airline went into administration. 

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