Empower p 58. Relative Clauses. Key Word Transformations

1. Guy is now engaged to my sister. His sister married my brother.
Guy____________________________________ present engaged to my sister.
2. We recruited a lot of staff last year. Some of the staff have produced some new ideas.
We took _______________________________________ with some new ideas.
3. She wasn't punctual for work on her first day. The fact that she didn't arrive in time for work on her first day didn't prove to be a good sign.
She was late ____________________________________________ out to be a bad sign.
4. There was a poster campaign last year. The result of the poster campaign produced a drop in crime figures.
A poster campaign took ___________________________________________ in a drop in crime figures.
5. Young people today don't tolerate the things which require patience.
Young people today don't ________________________________ requires patience.

Sentences with KEY

1. Guy is now engaged to my sister. His sister married my brother.
Guy____________________________________ present engaged to my sister.


1. Guy is now engaged to my sister. His sister married my brother.
Guy, whose sister is married to my brother, is at present engaged to my sister.


2. We recruited a lot of staff last year. Some of the staff have produced some new ideas.
We took _______________________________________ with some new ideas.



2. We recruited a lot of staff last year. Some of the staff have produced some new ideas.
We took on a lot of staff last year, some of whom have come up with some new ideas.

3. She wasn't punctual for work on her first day. The fact that she didn't arrive in time for work on her first day didn't prove to be a good sign.
She was late ____________________________________________ out to be a bad sign.


3. She wasn't punctual for work on her first day. The fact that she didn't arrive in time for work on her first day didn't prove to be a good sign.
She was late for work on her first day, which turned out to be a bad sign.

4. There was a poster campaign last year. The result of the poster campaign produced a drop in crime figures.
A poster campaign took ___________________________________________ in a drop in crime figures.



4. There was a poster campaign last year. The result of the poster campaign produced a drop in crime figures.
A poster campaign took place last year, the result of which resulted in a drop in crime figures.

5. Young people today don't tolerate the things which require patience.
Young people today don't ________________________________ requires patience.



5. Young people today don't tolerate the things which require patience.
Young people today don't put up with what/whatever requires patience.

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