Empower p 47. Feelings and Emotions. Key Word Transformations

1. Very often people get anxious about certain worries without any reason.
More ____________________________________________ anxieties.
2. We too often experience that uncomfortable feeling we get when we arrive in a strange city and don’t have a hotel reservation.
Too ________________________________________ having a hotel reservation.
3.  The TV appearance had been so brief that it hardly justified any comments.
So _______________________________________________ comments.
4. He invited me to dinner that night. Even though I had a persistent doubt , I accepted.
I ___________________________________________ nagging doubt, I accepted.
5. For all the wonders of modern technology, there is no substitute for the subconscious mind of a skilled police officer.
In _____________________________________________________ substituted.

1. More often than not certain worries are groundless anxieties.

2. Too often do we experience that uneasy feeling we get when we arrive in a strange city 
without having a hotel reservation.

3. So brief had the TV appearance been that it hardly warranted any comments.

4. I was invited to dinner that night. Despite a nagging doubt, I accepted.

5. In spite of the wonders of modern technology, the gut instinct of a skilled police officer cannot be substituted.

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