On Screen C1 p 5. Introductions


What attainable goals do you plan to strive for this academic year?

My aims are to promote a love of learning and to arouse my students' intellectual curiosity.

I am working hard in order to achieve my dream of becoming a professional skydiver.


This academic year I plan to focus on my writing.

In the near future I expect to be able to make a presentation in front of an audience.

I will need English in the future to communicate with people from different countries. 


What reasonable expectations do you intend to fulfil this academic year?

My expectations are certainly to increase my abilities and my knowledge in the English language and to meet new people.


What personal ambitions do you harbour?

My lifelong ambition is to help people learn, grow and stay curious.

What is your attitude towards learning?

My attitude towards learning is that it is lifelong. Every day is a school day for me. In actual fact, I try to learn something new every day. 

What helps you to increase your motivation?

What helps me to strengthen my motivation is to work collaboratively with others.

I am motivated to learn a sizeable breadth of English words which I can use. 


What makes learning joyful for you?

I learn best when I am in a welcoming, supportive, and interesting environment. When I feel relaxed I laugh easily. 

I especially enjoy learning when I see students being kind to one another.




What makes you curious?

I feel genuinely curious when I see words I do not know.  


What are you passionate about? 

I have developed a passionate interest in learning and teaching.



Other questions:

Where do you see yourself in five years' time?

What 3 words would your best friend use to describe you?

If you had only six months to live, what would you do first?

Are you an outdoor or an indoor person and what do you enjoy about that?

Why are you here?

What do you do for fun?

Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full?

If you could time travel to the past to correct any mistakes you feel you've made, would you?

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your millions?

If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?

Where in the world would you most like to be this weekend and why?

What luxury item would you take on a desert island?

What makes you laugh?

What makes you cry?

If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook?

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?

Would you rather climb a mountain or trek across a desert?

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?

Describe your perfect Sunday morning?

What did you do today that made you feel good?

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