On Screen C1 p 12. Special Events. Listening

 Say if the following statements are true or false

1. For uncle James the event was bittersweet. 

2. The couple was not aware of the extraordinary lengths they had gone to to attend the wedding

3. The trip took place by a hair's breadth. 

4. The little girl cried loudly because she was not fond of the clothes she was wearing.

5. The organisation of the event was a piece of cake for Kevin's parents. 




True (He was ever so grateful, but at the same time quite regretful.)




False (Sophie and Barry’s obvious delight that we had made the effort to go)





True ( it almost didn’t happen at all)





False (She cried the house down the whole day, poor little thing. Maybe the number of people there was too much for her.)





False (My parents ran themselves ragged trying to arrange everything for an earlier date)


1d – Exercise 5 (p. 12)
Speaker 1
Uncle James was quite overwhelmed that we had gone to such great lengths to organise his retirement bash. He was ever so grateful, but at the same time quite regretful. You see, he had always enjoyed what he did and he had a great rapport with his colleagues. So much so that he really didn’t want to retire. That’s why we weren’t sure if he would be troubled by the celebrations. Luckily, as it turned out, it was just what he needed. An added bonus was that it gave me a chance to catch up with some of the extended family. In particular, my second cousin Denis. I’d never really spoken to him before so it was a good opportunity to rectify that.
Speaker 2
We’re a close-knit family so everyone was delighted that Sophie and Barry were getting hitched but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it. When the invitations arrived I was devastated when I realised that the big day coincided with the first day of term. Thankfully, my parents cleared it with my school that I would start the year late so I could attend. It was a lovely ceremony even though most of the other guests were from Barry’s side. But we enjoyed it regardless. What made it for me was Sophie and Barry’s obvious delight that we had made the effort to go, and of course seeing how happy they were together.
Speaker 3
I’m still not sure why I was put in charge of the arrangements for the graduation trip because I had never done anything like it before, but everyone is still telling me what a great time they had. Made me realise I have a talent for organisation. To begin with I had thought to do something simple, like a barbecue, but everyone had such great suggestions I was inspired to incorporate as many of them as I could and we ended up going on an activity camping trip. Although, to tell you the truth, it almost didn’t happen at all. When I made the booking at the campsite, the dates got mixed up, but it all got sorted in the end and there are even plans for a reunion trip soon.

Speaker 4
The barbecue for the twins’ birthday had been planned for weeks but when little Jacob developed a temperature the night before we thought it would be cancelled. Turns out it was just a 12-hour thing and he was right as rain on the big day. If anything, it was his sister that wasn’t happy. She cried the house down the whole day, poor little thing. Maybe the number of people there was too much for her. Anyway, I was thrilled when I saw that their mother had dressed them in the outfits I had made them. My knitting skills have improved immensely and everyone commented on how cute they looked in their outfits. It was a genuine compliment that she had chosen them.
Speaker 5
Your son turning 30 is a pretty big deal so my parents went to a lot of effort to make it a night to remember, but Kevin almost put a spanner in the works when he announced that he was taking a new job in America which was due to start before his birthday. My parents ran themselves ragged trying to arrange everything for an earlier date but they pulled it off. It was a great night and it was really touching when they put on a slide-show of his life. I got a little choked up when it got to the picture of Kevin and me playing with our childhood pet. It reminded me how much I was going to miss my brother when he left. I wasn’t expecting that.

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