Outcomes Advanced p 13. The Future of Cities. Extra Listening

You will hear a piece of news talking about the documentary The Future of Cities -Innovative Responses to Urban Issues. Listen and try to answer these questions

  1. What is the expected population growth for year 2050?
  2. How many more megacities will there be by 2050?
  3. Where is Oscar Boyson based?
  4. According to Boyson, is living in densely-packed quarters negative?
  5. What does the nantucket project hold yearly?
  6. What is a fog-catcher for?
  7. Where did Boyson put out his call for ideas?
  8. How many responses did he get? From how many countries?
  9. How long did his shoot take?
  10. Who can ride electric jigsaw in Santiago de Chile?
  11. Where did Boyson meet his hosts?
  12. What did Boyson offer in exchange for people’s involvement?
  13. Where is the world’s first smart city?
  14. What was used to fill the mud lands to build Sandôu?
  15. How is trash collected in Sandôu?
  16. What cities are referred to as ‘developing world’?
  17. What are water bottles used for in Manila?
  18. What are the functionalities of the app citywater?
  19. What can be extracted from humid air?
  20. What is the consequence of car ownership in Singapore?
  21. For how long are cars leased in Singapore?

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