Languages. Write a leaflet. Word Formation. Written Mediation

Creating a leaflet involves clear, concise writing and a visually appealing layout. Here are the steps and an example to help you get started:

Steps to Write a Leaflet

  1. Define the Purpose and Audience:

    • Understand the main objective of the leaflet (informing, persuading, or promoting).
    • Identify the target audience.
  2. Choose a Catchy Title:

    • The title should grab attention and convey the main message.
  3. Create an Outline:

    • Introduction: Briefly introduce the topic.
    • Main Sections: Break down the information into key sections with headings.
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key points or provide a call to action.
  4. Design the Layout:

    • Use bullet points and subheadings to make the leaflet easy to read.
  5. Write Concisely:

    • Use short sentences and paragraphs.
    • Highlight important information.
  6. Proofread:

    • Check for grammatical errors and ensure the information is clear.



Use the information in the infographic below and write a leaflet to encourage people to learn a language


Explore New Opportunities: Learn a New Language

Why Learn?

  • Broaden Perspectives
  • Enhance Career Prospects
  • Improve Cognitive Abilities
  • Build Connections
  • Travel Confidently

 Top Tips

  • Set Objectives
  • Immerse Fully
  • Utilize Tools & Resources
  • Practice Consistently
  • Join Learning Groups
Invest in Yourself!  Face the Challenge!  Enjoy the Experience!

Sample answer

Unlock a World of Opportunities: Learn a Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language opens doors to new cultures, enhances career prospects, and (1)__________(RICH) your personal (2)__________(GROW). Start your linguistic journey today!

Why Learn a Foreign Language?:

  • Expand Your Horizons: Discover new cultures, traditions, and perspectives.
  • Boost Your Career: Multilingualism is a valuable asset in the global job market.
  • Enhance Cognitive Skills: Improve memory, problem-solving abilities, and creativity.
  • Connect with People: Build (3)_____________(MEAN) relationships and communicate with people (4)____________(WORLD).
  • Travel with Ease: Navigate new countries (5)____________(CONFIDENCE) and enjoy a deeper travel experience.

Top Tips for Learning a Foreign Language:

  1. Set Clear Goals:

    • Define your objectives and create a study plan.
    • Focus on practical language skills relevant to your needs.
  2. Immerse Yourself:

    • Surround yourself with the language through music, films, and books.
    • Practice speaking with native speakers or language partners.
  3. Use Language Apps and Online Resources:

    • (6)___________(LEVER) tools like Duolingo, Babbel, or Memrise for (7)___________(INTERACT) learning.
    • Explore online courses and (8)______________(TUTOR).
  4. Practice Regularly:

    • Dedicate consistent time each day to study and practice.
    • Keep a language journal to track your progress.
  5. Join Language Learning Communities:

    • Participate in language exchange groups, clubs, or classes.
    • Engage in forums and social media groups for support and motivation.
Learning a foreign language is a rewarding (9)_____________(INVEST) in yourself. Embrace the challenge and enjoy the journey of becoming multilingual. Start today and unlock a world of opportunities!

For more resources and tips, visit our website at or follow us on social media @LanguageExplorers.


1. enriches

2. growth

3. meaningful

4. worldwide

5. confidently

6. Leverage

7. interactive

8. tutorials

9. investment

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