Eco-friendly Travel. Write a leaflet. Word Formation. Written Mediation

Creating a leaflet involves clear, concise writing and a visually appealing layout. Here are the steps and an example to help you get started:

Steps to Write a Leaflet

  1. Define the Purpose and Audience:

    • Understand the main objective of the leaflet (informing, persuading, or promoting).
    • Identify the target audience.
  2. Choose a Catchy Title:

    • The title should grab attention and convey the main message.
  3. Create an Outline:

    • Introduction: Briefly introduce the topic.
    • Main Sections: Break down the information into key sections with headings.
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key points or provide a call to action.
  4. Design the Layout:

    • Use bullet points and subheadings to make the leaflet easy to read.
  5. Write Concisely:

    • Use short sentences and paragraphs.
    • Highlight important information.
  6. Proofread:

    • Check for grammatical errors and ensure the information is clear.

Example of a written mediation task: Leaflet

Use the information in the infographic below and write a leaflet to encourage eco-friendly travel.

Explore the Magic of Sustainable Travel

Travel Green: Responsibly and Sustainably

Why Sustainable Travel?
1. Minimize Your Carbon Footprint
2. Aid Local Economies
3. Protect Natural Environments

Best Practices 
1. Travel Light
2. Green Travel Destinations
3. Eco-Friendly lodging
4. Act Responsibly

Sample answer:

Title: Discover the Wonders of Eco-Friendly Travel


Introduction: Travelling doesn't have to harm the planet. Embrace eco-friendly travel practices to explore the world sustainably and responsibly.


Why Choose Eco-Friendly Travel?:

  • Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Opt for transport options with (1)___________(LOW) emissions.
  • Support Local Communities: Stay in locally-owned accommodations and (2)_________(DINNER) at local restaurants.
  • Preserve Natural Habitats: Participate in conservation efforts and choose destinations that (3)_________________(PRIORITY) environmental protection.

Top Tips for Eco-Friendly Travel:

  1. Pack Light:

    • Reduce fuel (4)____________(COSUME) by travelling with a lighter load.
    • Use (5)___________(USE) containers and avoid single-use plastics.
  2. Choose Sustainable Accommodation:

    • Look for eco-certifications and green practices.
    • Conserve water and energy during your stay.
  3. Travel Responsibly:

    • Respect local cultures and (6)_____________(WILD).
    • Leave no trace: take all your waste with you.

Eco-Friendly Destinations to Explore:

  • Costa Rica: Renowned for its (7)_____________(DIVERSE) and sustainable tourism practices.
  • New Zealand: Offers stunning landscapes and a strong (8)_____________(COMMIT) to conservation.
  • Iceland: Powered by (9)______________(NEW) energy and rich in natural wonders.

Conclusion: Make a positive impact on the environment with eco-friendly travel. Together, we can protect the planet while enjoying its beauty. Start planning your sustainable adventure today!


Call to Action: For more tips and eco-friendly travel ideas, visit our website at or follow us on social media @GreenJourneysTravel.


1. lower

2. dine

3. prioritise

4. consumption

5. reusable

6. wildlife

7. biodiversity

8. commitment

9. renewable

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