On Screen C1 p 9. Relationships. Speaking


A. Have a conversation as natural as possible with a partner about the topic. Use the pictures above and the questions below to help you.

1. Do you know anyone who is always trying to put people down?
2. Can you talk about a couple whose relationship could be described as rocky? Do they fight like cat and dog?
3. Think about someone who got divorced or split up. What turned their relationship sour?
4. Have you ever turned your back on anyone? Do you know anyone who has?
5. Think about someone you have never actually taken to. Do you try to keep them at arm's length?
6. Do you know any teachers who look down on their pupils?
7. Talk about someone you know that keeps himself / herself to himself / herself.

8. Sometimes people can be critical and judgmental without having the intention of hurting us. How do you deal with them?

9. What character traits do you particularly admire in the people you know? Is it openness to change? Admirable people are often open-minded and welcome change throughout their lives. Could it be: humility, loyalty, accountability, resilience, honesty, respectfulness, compassion....?

10.  Have you ever struck up a friendship with someone who is diametrically opposed to you, your values and views? Do you know two people who are like chalk and cheese? What do you do when you don't see eye to eye with somebody?

11. Who is the most gregarious member of your family? What do they do? Are there any members in your family who are very set in their ways? Who is the most headstrong of your friends? And the most opinionated? Does any of them want to be the centre of attention? Who is the life and soul of your family gatherings? Who would you describe as laid-back? Who is the most supportive and sympathetic?

12. Do you take after your mum or dad? Do you know anybody who is the spitting image of their father or mother?

13. Do you agree that nothing is more valuable than a tight-knit group of friends and relatives

14. How can you build good rapport with your colleagues? 

15. Do you sometimes go to extraordinary lengths to help others? 

Student A
1.    Do you and your parents get on like a house on fire? Do you get on like a house on fire with anybody?
2.    What kind of problems can put a great strain on a relationship?
3.    Which of your acquaintances gets on your nerves? Why?

Student B
1.    Have you ever taken an instant dislike to anyone? Were you proved right or did you have to change your mind later on?
2.    Did any of your teachers ever have it in for you or any of your classmates? Why? What was the cause of this feeling?
3.    Can you tell us about the last time you took an instant liking to somebody?

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