Open World p 37. Travel. Oral Mediation

A friend of yours from California is working for an international tour operator which is interested in starting working with Spanish customers.  Your friend's boss has asked him to write a report about the travel interests of Spanish people. While doing his research, he came across these pictures of Spanish travellers on Google. He sends them to you so that you can shed some light on travelling interests in your country. Your friend also asks you some questions about this topic. You decide to send your friend a voice message with an explanation of 2 minutes.

1. Could you please comment on the pictures I have sent you?
2. Could you discuss the travel preferences of Spanish people?
3. Do people in your country or region travel more or less than in the past? Why? Has the way Spanish people travel changed a lot over the last 20 years?
4. Do Spanish people enjoy travelling to see famous sights and museums? Are there many culture vultures in Spain? Do Spanish travellers look for sublime views of flawless landscapes in idyllic surroundings?
Do they tend to visit bustling cities or unspoilt secluded beaches and coves in the back of beyond? Do many of them travel to unwind and to take their minds off work or study?

5. What problems do Spaniards have while travelling? How do they go about solving them?
6. What’s the opinion of Spanish travellers regarding low-cost airline companies? and as regards all inclusive package holidays?

7. Do Spanish people usually travel in the lap of luxury, or on a shoestring budget? Do they spend a fortune splashing out hundreds of euros on holidays? Or do they relish roughing it?
8. When Spanish people are asked about their best life memories. Do they normally talk about their trips? What makes these trips such truly memorable experiences?
9. Is there anything that people do that really irritates Spaniards when they travel? What gets on their nerves? Do they have a beef about anything in particular? Is there anything that personally gets your goat?
10. What ‘real wonders of the world’ would you recommend to Spanish people?

11. Do Spanish travellers become rather weary easily?
12. Are there many seasoned travellers in the area where you live?
13. What do Spaniards prefer, short-haul or long-haul destinations?
14. Are there many intrepid travellers in Spain? Do people enjoy visiting
far-flung locations and wandering off the beaten track? Do many people travel single-handedly?

15. Are Spanish people discerning travellers? Do they look for bargains that are really good value for money? 

Useful language to describe a chart:
This chart illustrates how...
chart compares...
The results that are shown in the
chart are...
As can be seen from these results,
According to this chart, 
From the data in the above
chart, it is apparent that ...
We can see on this
chart how... 
chart indicates that...
chart represents...
The information given in the chart...
The percentage of people who... is shown on the chart.  
The chart shows quite clearly 
the impact of...

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