Empower p 15. Housing. Speaking

1. Somewhere in the region of 4000 people sleep rough in the UK. What could be done to reduce this number?
2. Do you procrastinate on doing the household chores? Are you prone to leave tasks for mañana?
3. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of housework that needs doing? When was the last time you were overworked? What could you do to avoid being snowed under with work?
4. Do you always have foodstuffs at home to get by? Who do you turn to when you need an ingredient you don't have? Do you give them a heartfelt thanks for their help?
5. Have you ever been about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on you that you had left your wallet at home?
6. Provided you have money to invest, is it a good idea to buy a dwelling to lease it to prospective tenants? Would you be an understanding landlord if they fell into arrears?
7. Have you ever at some point felt sorry for yourself because you have to call in sick and hunker down at home in order to recover?
8. When was the last time you saw somebody in a blind panic? Did that person manage to convey the full horror of the situation?
9.  Is it enough for you to just unpack your stuff in order to start making yourself at home in a new place? 
10. Do your neighbours play any musical instruments? What are the upsides and downsides of playing a drum kit? Can playing a drum kit professionally make you more fit?
Add two more to ask a partner:
11. __________
12. __________

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