Homework 2019-2020

 Compositions (30% home-70% class)
First term

1. Write a profile of a classmate. Read the instructions here. You will find a profile writing guide here. (150 words) (Deadline 14 Oct)

2. Mediation: Where did English come from? You have been asked to write a contribution for the class blog explaining the history of the English language. You can watch this video or others you may find. Afterwards summarise the most relevant information. (150 words) (Deadline 5 Nov)

3. Write a report

Your company paid for your enrolment at the EOI this year. After a couple of months at the EOI they want to know if their money was well invested and if more needs to be done. Therefore, you have been asked to write a report about your classes, your achievements, your goals, your experience in general, your needs and any recommendations you have for the continued success of the programme.

These are some of the points you need to include in the report:

Evaluate the effectiveness of the education programme

Reflect and recognise what you are learning

What progress you have made toward learning goals

Key learning objectives you have accomplished

Key learning objectives you would like to accomplish

What you should do to improve

What you need to do to perform successfully

What else you need from the programme

More information about reports: How to write a report?
(150 words) (Deadline 25 Nov)

Second term:  

4. Mediation: Write a review comparing two adverts. Useful vocabulary here:

Empower p 125. Adverts. Mediation

(180 words). Deadline 18 Dec 


5.  Write a scrapbook after Christmas with the activities you did together with family and friends. 

Empower p33. Writing: Christmas Scrapbook.

(180 words). Deadline 20 Jan


6. Empower p 41. Write a review of place you have been to

(150 words). Deadline  17 Feb


7.Empower p 41. Commenting on a Story. Written Mediation

(190 words). Deadline  24 Feb



- Book Fair:  (16 Dec) Speak for 5 minutes about the books or articles you are reading this year.
- Presentation (Feb) Speak for 5 minutes about a topic (mediation).

Third term

8. Empower p 53. Write a profile article about someone you know

Deadline: 11 March
180 words

9.  Empower p 57. Punishment or Rehabilitation. Oral Mediation

Deadline: 23 March
Speak for 2 minutes


10. Write a review comparing the two books you will have read this academic year. Deadline 23 Apr.
In your review you can include your favourite quotes from the books and add some explanations. In the final paragraph try to compare the two books you have read. You can also try to convince the reader that the books you have chosen should (not) be on the Reading List next year.  Useful language .


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